About the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Framework Program for Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Development between Turkmenistan and the UN

On December 14, 2023, in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, a regular meeting of the Steering Committee for the Implementation of the Turkmenistan-UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2021-2025 (RPC) and the National Working Group for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan was held.
The event, chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R.Meredov, was attended by the UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan D.Shlapachenko, the UN Permanent Representative in Turkmenistan N.Sahakyan, the Head of the UNFPA Office in Turkmenistan A.Seyitliyeva, UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan M.Fayazi, Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, Authorized Representative for Human Rights in Turkmenistan - Ombudsman, as well as representatives of relevant ministries and state agencies of the country.
Minister R.Meredov in his speech focused the attention of the participants on the need to systematize the mechanism of interaction and the instrument for implementing project and program activities of the ministries and state bodies of Turkmenistan with UN agencies in Ashgabat.
At the same time, the expediency of resuming the work of the Turkmenistan-UN Strategic Advisory Council, reviewing and updating the composition of the council and holding joint meetings both on the CPF and on the SDGs and other areas within the framework of this council at the beginning of the year at the expert level and at the end of the year at the governing council was noted, in accordance with a predetermined agenda.
The speakers exchanged views on strengthening cooperation in legal and socio-economic areas, focusing on the following five target groups of the Framework Program:
- - food security and climate change, through the use of modern green technologies;
- - digitalization and data management;
- - further development of the education system with an emphasis on school and vocational education;
- - strengthening health care capacity;
- - development of human rights institutions in Turkmenistan, in particular the formation of specialized areas within the structure of the Commissioner for Human Rights for the protection of children’s rights, ensuring women’s rights, etc.
The participants expressed confidence that the Turkmenistan-UN partnership has great prospects and will develop in a more dynamic manner.