On the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Framework Program for Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Development between Turkmenistan and the UN

On April 4, 2024, a regular meeting of the Steering Committee for the Implementation of the Framework Program for Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Development between Turkmenistan and the UN for 2021-2025 (RPC) and the National Working Group for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan was held in the MFA of Turkmenistan.
The event, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan M.Byashimova, was attended by employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of finance and economy of Turkmenistan, as well as representatives of more than 20 relevant ministries and state agencies of the country. The meeting was attended by the UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan, as well as the heads of UN structural divisions in Ashgabat.
Deputy Minister M.Byashimova in her speech focused the attention of the participants on the need to systematize the mechanism of interaction and the instrument for implementing project and program activities of the ministries and departments of Turkmenistan with UN agencies in Ashgabat. She also expressed confidence that through joint efforts it will be possible to achieve significant results that meet the objective needs of today and the spirit of partnership, the long-term interests of Turkmenistan and the UN in ensuring sustainable development and progressive progress. In this context, the importance of joint systematic work on the basis of medium- and long-term programs and plans is highlighted.
Speaking at the meeting, the UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan D.Shlapachenko first of all emphasized the special attention and commitment of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the development of a strategic partnership with the UN on a wide spectrum. He expressed gratitude to the Government of Turkmenistan for assistance in the implementation of joint programs and projects aimed at the well-being of the residents of Turkmenistan.
Also during his speech, D.Shlapachenko recalled that in 2024 the world community expects the Future Summit, which will be based on the results of the past SDG Summit, and is also aimed at accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. In this regard, he expressed confidence that Turkmenistan and the UN, by jointly defining priorities for joint work within the framework of the 2030 Agenda, will be able to better focus on the well-being of the most vulnerable groups of the population, increase the effectiveness of cooperation in achieving the SDGs, following the principle of leaving no one behind.
During the meeting, the speakers focused on the development of a new Road map for the implementation of the Cooperation Framework Program for the period 2026-2030, a strategy for its financing, as well as a plan for monitoring and evaluating activities.
Further, the speakers exchanged views on strengthening cooperation in legal and socio-economic areas, in accordance with the focus of the following five target groups of the Framework Program:
- food security and climate change, through the use of modern green technologies;
- digitalization and data management;
- further development of the education system with an emphasis on school and vocational education;
- strengthening health care capacity;
- development of human rights institutions in Turkmenistan, in particular, the formation of specialized areas within the structure of the Commissioner for Human Rights for the protection of children’s rights, ensuring women’s rights, etc.
The meeting participants expressed confidence that the Turkmenistan-UN partnership has great prospects and will develop in a more dynamic manner.
Based on the results of the meeting, the Protocol of the next meeting of the Steering Committee were prepared, which reflect practical measures for the implementation of the Program.