A regular meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality was held in Ashgabat

On December 11, 2023, a meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality in the name of peace, security and sustainable development was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan in a hybrid format.
Turkmenistan initiated the creation of this Group of Friends to promote regular dialogue at the international level, in particular within the framework of the UN, on the practical use of the peacemaking potential of countries that build their policies on the principles of neutrality.
Today, 25 countries have joined this Group, in particular, the co-authors of the resolution of the UN General Assembly "International Day of Neutrality" dated February 2, 2017, "The role and importance of the policy of neutrality in maintaining and strengthening international peace, security and sustainable development", December 7, 2020 .
At the first ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development, which took place last December in Ashgabat, institutional steps were taken to define the format and working methods of this multilateral dialogue as a tool for strengthening global peace and security.
The final declaration, adopted at this meeting of the Group, was published in six official UN languages as an official document of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly under item 58 of the agenda "Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping".
The agenda of the current meeting included issues of expanding the membership of the Group of Friends of Neutrality, the initiative of Turkmenistan on the Global Security Strategy based on the principles of the UN Charter and the generally recognized norms of international law, taking into account the current realities and trends of world development, was discussed, and also an exchange of ideas took place on the possibility of establishing the Institute of Neutrality and Security in Ashgabat.
In her speech, Ambassador A.Ataeva, Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the UN, emphasized that the traditional meetings of the Group of Friends are a vivid demonstration of the demand for this format and its practical significance at the current, very critical stage of the development of international relations.
At the same time, the Turkmen side believes that the Group of Friends is an active and dynamic association focused on practical results. It was also noted that this year, declared by the UN General Assembly as the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace, has clearly shown the kinetic energy of the multilateral Neutrality Group, which is closely involved in the implementation of the international campaign to strengthen peace and trust within the "Road Map" of this year. In this context, attention was drawn to joint achievements and held international events in this direction.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan M.Byashimova noted that, being an adherent of the line of neutrality and the values underlying it, Turkmenistan conducts a friendly policy of cooperation with all states. Today, our country has established itself as a reliable partner, including the UN, especially in maintaining peace and stability in the region and on a global scale. The recognition of this policy is evidenced by numerous decisions adopted within the framework of the UN.
In addition, M.Byashimova placed special attention to the issues included in the agenda of the current meeting, whereby there was a call for their detailed and positive consideration.
During the discussions, the participants noted the importance and relevance of this format of interaction in solving issues of peace and stability.